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"Class Memories"

Another great Purposed to Praise Fitness (PTPF) opportunity! Thank you Cindy Williams for offering such well thought of, execution of, and truly inspiring fitness program! One of my most memorable classes was the tribute to our mothers’. Another one was prior to when you paused classes for the spring. Several people participated. Some participants held can goods and worked out, some were on various stationary bikes, treadmills, walking in place in their home, and there was a seasoned woman (83 years of age) sitting at her kitchen table with hand weights. My heart was full seeing people engage in fitness activity based on their ability and creativity. They didn’t allow anything to stop them!!! PTPF is by far the best virtual fitness program I’ve ever participated in. Priceless. ❤️

- Penny, Illinois

"Inconsistent to Consistent"

I began working out with PTPF in November 2020.  Before then, I had been inconsistently working out.  I hadn't even been on my treadmill in 6 months.   Since that first workout, I have been motivated and consistently working out at least 3 times a week.   I have been using my treadmill more, walking and doing Xtreme Step, and will be purchasing a stationary bike for cycling.  At the end of every class,  (Aunt) Cindy has an encouraging word. Seeing how motivated (Aunt) Cindy and her participants are keeps me going.

- Bekah, IL

"Global Fellowship"

Purposed to Praise Fitness offered me a place to join like-minded people across the world to exercise my body, feed my spirit with good music and fellowship. PTPF offered community in the midst of a global pandemic and is now a permanent part of my life and fitness journey.
- LaKetia, Virginia


I am not sure how many of us really LOVE to work out and eat right. I can honestly say that I am guilty of letting myself go sometimes and not being focused on one of the most important things in life and that’s my health. That was until I got connected with Purposed to Praise Fitness! 


This group has literally changed the way I think about workouts and my overall health. I find myself in anticipation for the next class or the next video or the next tips to lead a more healthy daily lifestyle.


Our instructor is a faith-filled powerful woman who not only talks the talk but walks the walk!  I’m so excited to be a part of her legacy! Her testimony is inspiring and changing the way I think about my body and overall health.

-Tawanna, Texas

"More Than A Workout"

I, like many, have been on a journey seeking a healthier lifestyle that incorporates Mind, Body & Soul.  I've  been into fitness all my life & have had my ups & downs along the way,  but in 2020 during the Pandemic I came across a FB post from Cindy Williams who appeared to be seeking the same so I quietly watched her daily progress & motivational messages.  Her consistency resonated within me & prompted me to reach out. 


To make a long story short, Cindy & I connected, she began PTPF (virtual fitness platform) which includes spin, step, treadmill, HIIT (basically come as you are & move that body at your level).  PTPF isn't just about fitness, it's about fellowship & provides a safe place of love, peace, and respect!  I've been a part of other groups or clubs which certainly provided the results I thought I was looking for, but I ultimately didn't stick it out due to various reasons, but

with PTPF I can honestly say I'm motivated by Cindy & all of the members who show up for themselves & know that we can do this together no matter the goal & there is always an encouraging word!!

If you are someone who wants consistency,  accountability,  structure & want to bond with a great group of individuals while working hard, then PTPF is definitely for you & won't disappoint!!


Also, this group consists of couples, singles (men & woman) & elders - all are welcome.  

- Monica, MA

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